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"Stunning. you'll have to look for some time to find a tighter trio than Kelly Stanley & company"

Casey Heyburn- BBC Radio Kent



Kelly Stanley & company are a folk group based in Medway Kent, fronted by talented singer/songwriter Kelly stanley.


Kelly began writing many years ago as a young girl and this passion has grown ever since. Performing and improving as a singer, writer and guitarist throughout her teen years, Kelly achieved a great deal of experience and exposure performing at a range of venues,

from local pubs and clubs to the Portsmouth Guildhall and

London’s Ministry of Sound. Over the years Kelly’s face and

voice have also appeared in regional newspapers, local and

nationwide radio and on both BBC and ITV television. 



In her 20's after many years as a solo performer Kelly

spent time playing with a number of talented musicians

and working on her musicianship and skills, leading

to the current line up.



Now playing regularly with a company of talented musicians

including Liz Ost on Cello, Scott Woods on drums, Joe Millgate

on Double Bass and Emma Peto on Backing Vocals/Percussion;

the emotion of the music is lifted  with a full and rich intricacy.



Playing live is Kelly's forte. She has been described as 'spellbinding' with a voice that soars with passion and an obvious craft for singing.  Kelly's songs are not based on average experiences either. They are honest and reflective explorations of life from the perspective of someone who has struggles with both physical and mental illness. 


Kelly can also be found using her voice to create characters and narration in her work as a 

voice over artist (more info here)


With a true passion for music and a catalogue of inspiring songs exploring the human condition, 

Kelly Stanley & Company Are an act you truly must see live.



Our current EP is available to download on all platforms.

'Kelly Stanley’s songs rest upon a thousand layers of sadness...a selection of songs which present the human soul at its most delicate and tender; beautiful yet broken.'

-Stephen Morris/


How is it that life keeps on blowing me around
like a strong wind or a mighty tide. When will I see the ground?



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Additional Photography by Neil Thorne & Luna Zsigo. 

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